About Us

Where We Started

Gordon Turner from Kyle, Saskatchewan founded G.A. Turner Transport in 1964, delivering general freight and bulk petroleum products in the Kyle area. In 1983, the company was taken over, moved to Saskatoon and the name changed to Turner Transport Ltd.

While transportation of bulk petroleum products remained a large part of the business, Turner’s identified a void in the local heavy equipment transportation market. Equipment was purchased and put into operation to meet that need, and as that need for heavy transportation grew, bulk commodities transport was phased out giving way to focus on specialized heavy equipment transportation.

In 2008, Turner Transport had out grown it’s current building and decided to purchase property and build a new facility to accommodate the expanding size of the company and the equipment that goes with it.

Today, there are several multi-axle combinations in place providing capability to meet all of our clients transportation needs. Through our dedication to providing unparalleled customer service in a safe, reliable and cost effective manner, Turner Transport Ltd. has maintained constant growth and earned a reputation as one of the premier specialized transportation companies in the province.

In 2017, we expanded the company and positioned equipment in Regina to better serve our customers in the south.